Tuesday, April 28, 2009


SWINEFLU UPDATE: comedy mongering the root cause of all global conspiracy

Street Thoem says: (9:06:19 PM)
Tt▲m Ff▼cn!m says: (9:06:50 PM)
crazy eh! i say this earlier today!
Street Thoem says: (9:07:06 PM)
its all bullshit hype
Tt▲m Ff▼cn!m says: (9:07:44 PM)
it's just SARs all over again.. but this time it's mexicans instead of asians
Street Thoem says: (9:08:18 PM)
yeah. people are bored with all the war and obama hype, now what?
Tt▲m Ff▼cn!m says: (9:09:26 PM)
there does seeem to be an awful lot of ridiculous crap all happening at once.
Tt▲m Ff▼cn!m says: (9:10:54 PM)
it must be great for comedians
Street Thoem says: (9:11:04 PM)
thats who's behind it all
Tt▲m Ff▼cn!m says: (9:11:25 PM)
shit! you think so?
Street Thoem says: (9:11:27 PM)
comedy mongering
Tt▲m Ff▼cn!m says: (9:11:55 PM)
that's just crazy enough to make sense

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